JULIE Pro Emulator Vesion 117 - 118 - 121
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JULIE Pro Emulator
NEW - Version 118
What's New:
1) New Program: BMW 5
The latest program is dedicated to BMW F-Series (CAN) and E-Series* (CAN) cars and can be used for the following purposes:
- Engine + EGS Swap (8HP Automatic Transmission Gearbox)
- Engine-only Swap
- EGS-only Swap
Additionally, the original car (donor) must meet the following requirements:
- It has to be equipped with one of the following modules: EWS4 / CAS / FEM
- The ISN in the ECU content needs to have 16 bytes
- The ISN in the EGS content needs to have 16 bytes (optional - only if your project requires it)
The procedure WILL NOT WORK if the recipient vehicle is equipped with EWS4 / CAS / FEM module!
*Except BMW X3 (E83)
2) New Program: BMW 4
This program is dedicated to BMW E-Series (CAS-BUS) cars and can be used for the following purposes:
- Replacing a damaged ECU
Additionally, the car must meet the following requirements:
- It has to be equipped with one of the following modules: EWS4 / CAS / FEM
- The ISN in the ECU content needs to have 16 bytes
- The ISN in the EGS content needs to have 16 bytes (in case of Automatic Transmission)
Version 117
What's New:
1) New Program: Renault ISK Password
Function: Use Julie to read ECU values required to calculate ISK Password
Supported car brands:
Supported ECUs:
If the immo code is not visible in the ECU, you can use this procedure on the following ECUs:
MD1CS006, EDC17C84
EMS3161, EMS3160, EMS3155, EMS3150, EMS3141, EMS3140, EMS3125, SID321, SID310, SID309, SID307
Video Tutorial:
Combine this procedure with our latest service - ISK Code Calculating - to get ISK code for your ECU!
2) New Program: PSA Automatic - A new, fully automatic procedure!
- IMMO OFF with Julie Emulator
- Determine ECU PIN (for key coding or matching the ECU to the car)
Watch YouTube Short:
Continental VD56.1
Supported car brands:
Citroen | Peugeot
Bosch EDC17C60
Bosch MD1
Bosch MD1CS003
Bosch MG1CS042
Bosch MG1CS032
Continental VD56.1
Delphi DCM7.1A
Valeo V56.12
3) ESL/ELV Signal Replacement: Mercedes W176, W204, C207, W212, W246 added!
Manual and full ECU list: Open Manual

Julie PRO - Version 121 is here!

Julie PRO - Version 121 is here!
See what's new in the latest version of your favourite car Emulator - Julie PRO!
We're constantly making Julie even better! Our Development Team has been hard at work to bring you new solutions. We want to make sure that when you use Julie, no car that arrives at your workshop will surprise you!
Here's what's new in version 121 of Julie PRO:
1) Program - TOYOTA 1
Minimum Emulator Version: 121
Bosch EDC16C10-6.2 [Immo Box 89780-12140]
Example ECUs:
0 281 011 734 (Toyota Corolla 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2007)
0 281 011 733 (Toyota Corolla 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2005)
0 281 011 731 (Toyota Corolla 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2005)
Example cars:
Toyota Corolla 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2005-2009
Denso 89661-02A60 [Immo Box 89780-12140]
Example ECUs:
89661-02A60 (Toyota Corolla 2.0 D-4D 90HP 2006)
Example cars:
Toyota Corolla 2.0 D-4D 90HP 2005-2009
2) Program - TOYOTA 2
Minimum Emulator Version: 114
Bosch EDC16C10-9.3 [Computer Assy, Transponder Key 89780-0D011]
Example ECUs:
0 281 012 322 (Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2007)
0 281 012 517 (Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2006)
0 281 012 518 (Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2007)
0 281 013 413 (Toyota Corolla 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2009)
Example cars:
Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2006-2009
Toyota Corolla 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2005-2009
Bosch EDC17CP07 [Computer Assy, Transponder Key 89780-0D011]
Example ECUs:
0 281 015 695 (Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2009)
0 281 015 385 (Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2009)
0 281 015 361 (Toyota Auris 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2010)
0 281 015 358 (Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2009)
Example cars:
Toyota Auris 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2006-2013
Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2009-2011
Bosch EDC17CP37 [Computer Assy, Tranponder Key 89780-0D011]
Example ECUs:
0 281 019 995 (Toyota Yaris III 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2014)
0 281 019 993 (Toyota Yaris III 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2013)
0 281 019 178 (Toyota Auris 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2021)
0 281 017 820 (Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2011)
0 281 017 500 (Toyota Etios 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2013)
0 281 017 292 (Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2009)
0 281 017 290 (Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2011)
0 281 017 226 (Toyota Corolla 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2009)
0 281 017 135 (Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2010)
0 281 017 134 (Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2011)
0 281 017 097 (Toyota Auris 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2010)
0 281 016 911 (Toyota Auris 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2010)
Example cars:
Toyota Auris 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2006-2013
Toyota Corolla 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2006-2013
Toyota Etios 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2010-2017
Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2008-2014
Toyota Yaris III 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2010-2017
Toyota Yaris II 1.4 D-4D 90HP 2009-2011
Denso 89661-0D310 [Computer Assy, Transponder Key 89780-0D011]
Example ECUs:
89661-0D310 / MB 275100 2493 (Toyota Yaris II 1.3 VVT-i 87HP 2005)
Example cars:
Toyota Yaris II 1.3 VVT-i 87HP 2005-2008
3) Program - TOYOTA 3
Minimum Emulator Version: 114
Bosch M 7.9.41 [Computer Assy, Transponder Key 89780-02040]
Example ECUs:
0 261 201 209 (Toyota Auris 1.4 97HP 2008)
Example cars:
Toyota Auris 1.4 97HP 2006-2012
Denso 89661-12B00 [Immo Box 89780-12180]
Example ECUs:
89661-12B00 (Toyota Auris 2.0 D-4D 126HP 2007)
Example cars:
Toyota Auris 2.0 D-4D 126HP 2006-2012
4) Program - TOYOTA 4
Minimum Emulator Version: 121
Denso 89661-05D30 [Computer Assy, Transponder Key 89780-05050]
Example ECUs:
89661-05D30 (Toyota Avensis T27 2.0 D-4D 126HP 2009)
Example cars:
Toyota Avensis T27 2.0 D-4D 126HP 2009-2011
Purchase Julie PRO and be ready for any car that arrives in your workshop!